live webinar

Nonviolent Resistance to Cross Border Bombings

May 14, 2020 | 12:00 CDT

For years Turkish and Iranian bombings have disrupted the lives of civilians within Iraqi Kurdistan. The bombings have displaced families, destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of communities, and injured and killed many civilians, including children. Over the past year, there have been over 350 bombings in the Sidakan sub-district alone and the bombings continue, even during this time of COVID-19. 

Join the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan team on Thursday, May 14th at 12pm CT, to hear stories from the ground, about our partner’s nonviolent resistance to the bombings and The Hear Us Now: Stop the Bombing! Campaign. We hope to see you there!

Since 2006 CPT has worked within a portion of ancestral Kurdish homelands located in what is now Northern Iraq. Iraqi Kurdistan is home to a mostly Kurdish population as well as a variety of other ethnic minorities all who have been impacted by war, marginalization and colonization. CPT’s Iraqi Kurdistan project partners with communities, grassroots organizations and individuals who are resisting violence and oppression through peaceful means.

take action now!

Sign this open letter to the Kurdistan Regional Government demanding they take action to stop all cross border bombings and respond to the needs of those affected.

If you are endorsing on behalf of an organization. Please include the name. ​

CPT Action is an initiative of Community Peacemaker Teams inviting activists, advocates and allies to take action for peace.

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