
Liturgical Vigil for Social Leaders

October 3, 2020 | 17.00 Bogotá / Chicago - English

Únete a la liturgia en español el 2 de octubre.

Taking action to highlight the stories and the nonviolent struggle of social leaders’ daily experiences in Colombia is essential to our mission.

Lately, there has been an increase in insecurity across Colombia. And to add to the wound, the already wide gap of inequality continues to widen, primarily in sectors that have historically been discriminated against through policies that promote racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and war. 

As part of our new campaign, #ModusOperandi, we want to explain why violence against human rights defenders is not a coincidence. More than 100 human rights defenders have been killed this year alone. These killings cannot even be counted as State negligence since the mechanisms to protect these leaders’ lives are non-existent. Instead, it is a structural dynamic aimed at privileging the interests of the most powerful at the cost of the lives of the impoverished. 

Join us in a liturgy for social leaders as we pray for those who are seeds* of hope and those who continue to resist the State’s violence.

*seeds: People who have been assassinated and buried as seeds and their struggle lives on.

CPT Action is an initiative of Community Peacemaker Teams inviting activists, advocates and allies to take action for peace.

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